138 2887 4855

What are the methods for detecting chip capacitors

Click:115 Time:2023-05-15

  If the appearance is normal. The quality of capacitors can be tested and judged using a multimeter resistance range. Large capacity (1 μ Fixed capacitors with a rating of F or above can use the resistance range (R) of a multimeter × 1000) Measure the two electrodes of the capacitor, and the watch needle should swing in the direction of low resistance, then slowly swing back to around ∞. Next, exchange the test rod and try again to observe the swing of the watch needle. The larger the swing, the greater the capacitance of the capacitor

If the test rod keeps touching the capacitor lead, the gauge needle should be near ∞. Otherwise, it indicates that the capacitor has leakage. The smaller the resistance value, the greater the leakage, and the poorer the quality of the capacitor; If the needle does not move at all during measurement, it indicates that the capacitor has failed or is open circuit; If the watch needle swings but cannot return to the starting point, it indicates that the capacitor has a large leakage and poor quality

Pressure gauges. For capacitors with smaller capacities, it is often difficult to see the needle swing when measuring with a multimeter. At this point, an external DC voltage can be used to measure with a multimeter in the DC voltage range. The method is shown in Figure 1, which is to adjust the multimeter to the corresponding DC voltage range, with the negative (black) test rod connected to the negative pole of the DC power supply and the positive (red) test rod connected to one end of the capacitor being measured, Connect the other end to the positive pole of the power supply

When a capacitor with good performance is connected to the power supply, the multimeter needle should have a large swing; The larger the capacity of a capacitor, the greater the swing of its watch needle. After swinging, the watch needle can gradually return to the zero position. If the pointer of the multimeter does not swing at the moment when the capacitor is connected to the power supply, it indicates that the capacitor is faulty or open circuit; If the watch needle continuously indicates the power supply voltage without swinging, it indicates that the capacitor has been broken down and short circuited; If the watch needle swings normally but does not return to the zero position, it indicates that there is leakage in the capacitor. The higher the indicated voltage value, the greater the leakage

It should be pointed out that the auxiliary DC voltage used for measuring capacitors with small capacity should not exceed the withstand voltage of the tested capacitor to avoid capacitor breakdown damage caused by measurement. To accurately measure the capacity of a capacitor, it is necessary to use a capacitor bridge or Q-meter. The above simple detection method can only roughly determine the quality of the pressure gauge capacitor

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