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Chip capacitors are a type of capacitive material. The full name of chip capacitors is: multilayer (stacked, stacked) chip ceramic capacitors, also known as chip capacitors, chip capacitance. There are two ways to represent chip capacitors, one is in inches and the other is in millimeters. A capacitor, as the name suggests, is a "container for holding electricity" and a device that holds charges. English name: capacitor.
171 views2023-05-15Chip capacitors, as passive components, are commonly used in power circuits for functions such as bypass, decoupling, filtering, and energy storage. In signal circuits, their main functions include coupling, oscillation/synchronization, and time constant. Let's explain each of these separately.
168 views2023-05-15The parameters such as X5R, X7R, Y5V, Z5U, COG, COH, etc. of chip capacitors describe the type of dielectric material used for capacitor acquisition, temperature characteristics, and error parameters. Different values also correspond to the range of capacitor capacity. What are the differences?
175 views2023-05-15