138 2887 4855

What is the difference between the use of chip capacitor and electrolytic capacitor

Click:138 Time:2023-05-12

1, electrolytic capacitor usage instructions:

There are two types of electrolytic capacitor, energy storage capacitor and bypass capacitor, and their use methods are also different.

The energy-storing capacitor collects charge through the rectifier and transmits the stored energy to the output end of the power supply through the converter lead. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors with voltage ratings of 40 ~ 450VDC and capacitance between 220 ~ 150000 μF are commonly used.

The bypass capacitor is an energy storage device that supplies energy to the local device. It can homogenize the output of the voltage regulator and reduce the load demand. Like a small rechargeable battery, the bypass capacitor can be charged and discharged to the device.

Therefore, in order to minimize impedance, the bypass capacitor should be as close to the load device's power supply pin and ground pin as possible. This can well prevent the input value is too large and lead to the elevation of ground potential and noise. Ground potential is the voltage drop at a ground connection as it passes through a large current burr.

Devices are sometimes in series, parallel, or a combination of them, depending on the power supply requirements. For power supplies with a power level of more than 10KW, larger canister helical terminal capacitors are usually used.

2, patch capacitor usage instructions:

Chip capacitors are also divided into polar electrolytic capacitors and non-polar electrolytic capacitors, and their use methods should be distinguished:

Non-polar electrolytic capacitors are usually used in frequency divider circuit of sound box, S correction circuit of TV and starting circuit of single-phase motor. Electrolytic capacitors are widely used in household appliances and various electronic products with a large capacity range of 1~33000μF and rated operating voltage range of 6.3~700V.

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